Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hi guys,

for today's blog, let me introduce a chapter from the book I chose.

It's about the types of vegetarians.

This chapter told me that there are 4 different options that you can take as a vegetarian.

1.  Strict Vegetarian/ Vegan

They are the ones who do not have any kinds of animal products whatsoever. This could lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and being obesity, however, you need to be careful with lack of vitamin B12 especially if you're pregnant. It is because otherwise you might become anemic during pregnancy. You could avoid that by taking supplements.

2. Lacto Vegetarian

This type of people have milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, but not eggs. This is popular in India because of Hinduism. Hindu think that they could be affected by what they eat and this style is apparently suitable for them. This is also good for those who want to control their level of cholesterol. But, again, you should take vitamin B12 supplements.

3. Lacto Ovovegetarian

They eat dairy products and eggs but not meat. This could lower the rick for cancer. This is the more common style in Western culture. You do not have to search exclusive vegetarian restaurant because most of the mainstream restaurant have vegetarian menu, which implies this style most of the time.

4. Flexitarian

The name itself includes "Flexible" in it, so as you can guess, they occasionally eat meat. Some people argue that they should not be included in vegetarians category because of the consumption of meat. However, it might be a good way to become a vegetarian gradually rather than suddenly cut the consumption of meat and feel frustrated. Also, the benefit they get is that they can get essential protein and that leads to less vitamins & minerals supplements.

After reading this chapter, I found that there are 4 types for vegetarians. However, I guessed there were more if all the types that had been omitted out of the list here.

Where do you guys think belong for yourself? or which one do you want to try?


  1. I didn't know that there were 4 types of vegetarian! I also think it's good idea to start becoming vegetarian from flexitarian.

  2. interesting!
    I knew vegetarian have 4 types first after reading your review!
