Thursday, December 3, 2015

For Blog assignment...Food for All & Second Harvest Japan

Common & different features

The two organizations both try to help people who are in difficult circumstances in their society such as homeless people or socially excluded people. Also, they both are funded.

But the difference is that FFA aims to train those people so that they can help themselves with the skills they learn, while SHJ tries to help them by distributing foods.

What are the main activities or events that these groups carry out?

FFA held events in London, Bristol and West Wales, where the members and trainee serve the meals together.
SHJ also serve the meals at a park helping each other, and distributes foods that are supposed to be disposed of yet still edible.

From what you saw on their web sites, what surprised or interested you the most?

The idea of training them to enable the socially excluded people to service by themselves with skills. That way, I felt the organization really care about those people and that leads to a better society.

If someone wants something, it is easier to just give them straight than teach them how to get it by themselves. Because such efforts required, trainers cannot do careless work. I really think this is a great idea to commit this kind of support.

How would you be able to offer help to either organisation -- as a volunteer or supporter?

I have personally been thinking of participating in a volunteer event. It is because volunteer can see what is actually going on at the site, so I would like to be a volunteer.

Which group seems to be more active? Why do you think so?

FFA seems more active since they have the food serving event Monday – Saturday.

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