Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hi guys,
I just took the food culture quiz here, and my score was terrible ;P

I only got 36% correct. It was very difficult!
Surprisingly, the average score of their readers is 70%!!!! Unbelievable!

For example,

Which is not technically a berry?


The answer is...


The person who made this quiz did not want us to answer correctly but wanted to trick us quite obviously. 

However, thanks to the creator, I actually have learnt some new stuff from the quiz, like parsley is a type of root vegetables!

Click the link above and take a shot if you are interested in :)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sorry for the delayed post.

The story is that the book I have chosen was taken by somebody at the library ;(

So I could not read the book last week, but I put the video that I wanted to share with you last week below just in case anyone wants to watch. I chose it only because it seemed interesting, not because I agreed with everything in the video.

Caution! This video contains strong language and religious topics.

Anyway, since I haven't got the access to the book at the moment and am not really sure whether I will have it regularly in the future, I've chosen another book.

The name of the new book is "My Vegetarian Diet Genie" written by Darby Vitale and published by Cooking Connection in January 21st, 2015. It has 173 pages.

This book tells us from vegetarianism in religion, how is being vegetarian for your health, to how to shop at a supermarket. 

Having read the beginning of the book, it did not contain very difficult explanations, yet it seemed very interesting. So, I am looking forward to getting some knowledge about vegetarianism!