Wednesday, October 14, 2015

nice to meet you all.

In this blog, I'll be introducing a book called "Religious Vegetarianism from Hesiod to the Dalai Lama" edited by Kerry S. Walters and Lisa Portmess. I'll be reporting the book every other week, but not from the beginning in order, picking up a chapter I find interesting instead.

The reason why I chose this book was because I am very much interested in both religions and vegetarianism. Although I myself am more of a pescetorian, as you can tell from the title of this blog, I tend to follow a plant-based life style.

The content of this book is mainly divided into 6 sections; The Orphic-Pythagorean Tradition, The indian Tradition, The Buddhist Tradition, The Judaic Tradition, The Christian Tradition, and The Islamic Tradition.

So, my first impression of the book just from the table of contents was that this book covers traditions of main religions around the world from Asia to Europe. That inspired a feeling of my curiosity.

Moreover, as I briefly read the preface and the introduction, I felt that the writers dealt with the topic respectfully. Maybe they had no other choice but to take a neutral position over the religions to cover them all.

I'm looking forward to starting a new journey in this book to explore my vege-based life a little bit more.